So, last weekend I told you I met up with Ms K for our annual run for poo. If you missed it, you can read about it here.
What I didn't tell you is that Goodwill had another of their 50% Saturday sale days. Well, I can't let a sale day go by without visiting just one, okay two, stores. I left home about an hour and a half before I was to meet Ms K and managed to stop at two stores that are on the way to her place.
The first store I stopped at is closest to home and my least favorite. I truthfully rarely go to this one. The pickin's are usually slim and the aisles are always in disarray. But, it was close and on the way so I soldiered in.
I was able to find a couple of items. I had read a blog post a few weeks ago, and I am so sorry I can't remember which one it was, but she talked of revamping her bathroom and using liquor decanters for bubble bath and mouthwash. I thought this to be such a cute idea and made a mental note to keep an eye out for decanters.
I was lucky enough to find one that had the stopper too. It was marked $3.99 but, at 50% off, $2.00 was a great price to me! I can also see using it as a bud vase.

Right behind it you can see my other find. A Candlewick snack dish. I already have one that I purchased last year at Savers. all time bestie, Cindy, that lives in Kansas, had texted me a few weeks ago with a picture she took at an estate sale she had stopped at. It was a snack plate just like the one I found. She wanted to know if it was Candlewick. I told her yes and she asked if I wanted her to get it. As I was texting in my usual speedy way, NOT, she added, "there are 4 of them and they are $2.00 for all four!" Shut the front door Martha! Heck yeah I want them! We will be working on the logistics of getting them to me here in CO. So really I had 5 of them and this one now makes six. I paid more than she did. Mine cost me 99 cents. I needed six because I had thrifted, over time, 6 of the matching cups to complete the set.

These are truly a fun find. They take you back to the days of moms that didn't work outside the home and gathered at each others houses for card games and gossip. These sweet little snack plates have a spot for a small sandwhich (crusts cut off of course) a punch cup and includes a spot for an ashtray and a place to hold a cigarette while you eat. Ah, simpler times :)
The next Goodwill usually does pretty well for me but, once again, I was crunched for time and couldn't really take my time digging through all of the good stuff.
I did find these adorable salad plates. Normally 49 cents each but only 25 cents each to me :)
I can envision a back to school or a country themed tablescape with these plates as the stars.
My final purchase was this fall/ Halloween themed candle screen. I loved the look of it. I may have paid too much at $2.00 but sometimes if you see something you love you have to bring it I right?
I was pretty happy with only spending a little over $6.00 with tax for the day.
I am going to have to make sure that the next 50% off Saturday I have no plans and can shop at a leisurely pace instead of having to hurry through the stores! I can't even make myself think about what I might have missed!
** Be sure to check out this post to read about the giveaway I am planning!