Have you missed me? Yeah, I took some time off from the blog to recharge my batteries :-) But, now I AM BACK!
If you remember, a few weeks ago my friend Linda, who blogs over at A La Carte, was traveling back from California to Georgia and made a pit stop in Colorado. We had so much fun!! Of course, you can't visit Kath without a little drama thrown in too!
Linda & I have been buddies since the first day I started blogging! She is even sweeter in person than on her blog or emails, if that is even possible!
After picking her up from the airport we met up with Mr. B and went to dinner. Linda and I ordered the same thing. A BIG AS YOUR HEAD pork tenderloin sandwich!
It goes without saying, we each had some leftover!
We stayed up that first night just talking away, only stopping to sleep LOL!
Linda, being the sweety she is, brought me some lovely gifts too!
The next morning, Mr. B went up to his mom's place as his brother was in town and they were fixing some things up at her house. That meant, Linda & I were free to to take a road trip.
This was Linda's first trip to Colorado so I had to take her to the mountains. I choose The Garden Of The Gods as it is breathtakingly beautiful!
The Garden Of The Gods sits at the foot of Pikes Peak, one of the most visited mountains in the world! in July 1893, Katharine Lee Bates wrote the song "America the Beautiful", after having admired the view from the top of Pikes Peak.
It was pretty crowded so, I dropped Linda off to get photos while I circled around a few times until a parking spot came available and I joined her.
Okay, this next photo, I did not notice the "head" until I downloaded it to my computer! Love it!
After filling our cameras with photos and picking up some souvenirs at the gift shop, we started back to Denver. Oh but wait! On our way, Linda spotted an Antique Mall! Oh yes! We had to stop!!
This was the biggest antique mall I had ever been in! We only got through half of it in our several hour visit! Oh the treasures we did see!
Linda was able to pick up quite a few little items that would safely fit into her suitcase. You can see her lovely keepsakes here.
I only found a couple of things that I had to have, but I am kicking myself as there were some many pretties I should have bought!
Linda spotted this cutie pootie and just knew he was perfect with my Beach Mantel decor!
Well hello sailor!
I spotted this glass flower frog from across the room! A while back, Linda did a blog post and mentioned, "one can never have too many flower frogs". Well, I left a comment that, not only did I not have a single one, I had never seen one in person! So, of course I had to have this!! $2.00! And now I have two, this one and the one Linda brought me. One big and one small :-)

Now, for the drama! After we got home, Linda and I went and had dinner at the Olive Garden (shout out to our buddy Diann at The Thrifty Groove). We had barely gotten home when my cell phone rang. I was sure it was Mr. B letting me know when he would be home. Instead, it was my favorite brother-in-law. He asked how our day had been and I went on and on about all that we had seen and did. I then asked about him. "Um well, I'm sitting here with Mr. B in the ER". Wait! What?? Seems Mr. B started having some serious pain in his stomach. Mr. B is a strong man so when his brother saw him sweating from the pain, he made him get in the truck and drove him to the hospital. This hospital is about 45 minutes away so, he told me to wait until he knew more before I drove over. He called back in 30 minutes and said I should probably come. It was either his appendix or a kidney stone. Linda graciously offered to stay with Max in case I needed to stay overnight and I FLEW to be by his side. By the time I got there, Mr. B had been given pain meds and had had a CTScan. Prognosis, a kidney stone! Whew! No surgery required. They kept him there for a couple more hours and then I was able to bring him home. By the time I got him settled in, fond a 24-hour pharmacy and got to bed myself it was close to 2:00 am.
This kind of put a damper on the rest of Linda's visit but we made the most of it! We spent an hour or so at my favorite Cost Plus World Market store on Sunday and just chilled and talked and talked some more. Then, before she flew out on Monday, I introduced her to the wonders of Charming Charlie's, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and Goochie's Cakes (best cupcakes in town!!).
Then, it was time for her to go (insert sad face!!). It truly was a dream come true to get to give Linda a hug and to meet my BBF (Best Blogging Friend) and blogging sister! Not to worry! I have plans to possibly meet up with her in Georgia in 2015!!
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