April 22, 1970.
Granted, I was a young girl then but I do have memories of the event.
It was a time for hippies, and flower power.
The nightly news was filled with war protests
as students of the time were against our involvement in the war in Vietnam.
Prior to Earth Day we were a nation of huge consumption,
lacking in our care of Mother Earth.
V8 engines were in our cars and industries spewed their filth into our water.
Air pollution was the smell of success at the time.
The environment was just a word, not the rallying cry it is today.
Earth Day 1970 brought all of these concerns to the
forefront of the American peoples minds.
It was founded by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.
Senator Nelson announced the idea for a
“national teach-in on the environment”
to the national media; persuaded Pete McCloskey,
a conservation-minded Republican Congressman,
to serve as his co-chair; and recruited Denis Hayes as national coordinator. Hayes built a national staff of 85 to promote events across the land. (source:http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-history-movement)
Today, we talk of global warming and being responsible citizens of the planet.
We have a long way to go but,
I personally feel that with today's social networks,
we are making progress, slow that it may be.
I also feel that we each can make a difference by adopting greener practices.
I've compiled a list of suggestions below to help you make choices that are right for you.
Green Cleaning
- Make your own cleaning products with lemon, baking soda, white vinegar, and water. Pinterest is full of recipes to make your own greener cleaners.
- Use reusable/washable rags and sponges instead of paper towels for most cleaning jobs. (FYI: use paper towels on toilets to avoid contamination).
- Put your sponge in the dishwasher to extend the use, or microwave it for one minute to sanitize it.
- Brands available in most retail stores: Seventh Generation, Method, Green Works, Nature’s Source, etc.
- Take advantage of alternate means to travel: Bus, Bike, Walk, Light Rail
- Combine errands all at once if you must drive to do them
- Make sure tire pressure is correct. Low tires drag down the vehicle and it uses more fuel.
- Use cruise control on highways.
- Park in the shade facing away from the sun and leave a window ‘cracked’ a bit. This will make the car interior less hot and able to be cooled more quickly.
- Car pool if you can.
Start a Garden
- Start small, try just an herb or two, or maybe a cucumber plant. Once you see you can do it, it will boost your confidence to expand. Find classes offered through your local free University or State Cooperative Extension.
- If you don’t have a yard big enough for a typical style garden, try a container garden on a patio. To keep the larger containers lightweight, instead of filling the container completely with dirt, use empty water bottles to line the bottom, then cover those with dirt and then plant. Use things you already have around as the containers, like an old crock pot or basket, or pick up a big container at a secondhand store.
- Once you have a plant or two, try composting. Again, Pinterest is a gold mine in finding out how to DIY your own composter. You know I love composting! Layer ‘browns’ (leaves, grass clippings (but not if you'd recently used weed & feed type fertilizer), dryer lint, sawdust) and ‘greens’ (fruit and veggie peels/cores/stalks/waste) in the yard (average ½ browns and ½ greens). For the most part, just leave it alone; get it damp when it seems really dry, stir it up every few months, and you will end up with great dirt after about 9 months. Use the nutrient-rich dirt on your plants and keep the cycle going. This will reduce your landfill/trash waste, give you great veggies you grow yourself, and keep replenishing your dirt without the need for fertilizers.
- If you can’t have your own garden, shop at local farmer’s markets. The foods are usually organic and locally grown, so you support local business and eliminate some pesticides from your diet.
Conserve Paper
- Print double-sided when you can.
- If your document isn’t required to be formatted a certain way, change your margins to ‘narrow’ and shrink your font from 12 to 11. This will make your document be a bit shorter.
- Change your font to Century Gothic to use 30% less ink when you print
- Reuse the back of a post-it note as scratch paper
- Reuse your junk mail envelopes as scrap paper for a grocery list
- Reduce your junk mail by unsubscribing from mailing lists (catalogchoice.com is a free service)
- Go to yellowpagesgoesgreen.org and sign up to STOP getting phone books delivered
- Recycle all paper (except some paper towels, napkins, paper plates)
- Opt to read magazines and newspapers online instead of getting them delivered; if you do get magazines, share with friends or drop them by an office waiting room or nursing home when you are done
- Get your bills electronically and pay them online
- Use direct deposit instead of getting a paper paycheck
Miscellaneous Waste Tips
- Do you really need a straw in your drink at the restaurant? If they set it on the table, don’t use it. If it comes in the glass, make sure to tell them ‘no straw please’ next time you go
- Only grab one napkin when you dine out. If they give you a stack, take the rest home and use them for dinner or to clean toilets
- If you must get food from a drive through to take home, don’t get the extra salt/pepper packages, ketchup packages, or utensils/napkins since you have all that at home
- Get a reusable water bottle and reusable grocery bags. Keep the bags in the car so you don’t forget them. If you MUST take a plastic bag, make sure to return it for recycling at the front of the store next time you go
- Keep a small reusable plastic container in your glovebox. Bring it in when you go out to eat, and take your leftovers home in it instead of getting one of the disposable containers from the restaurant. Don’t reheat in it though…use glass for that
- Buy used. Up to 33% of our landfill consists of product packaging. If you must buy new, buy products with less packaging, packaging made of recycled materials and that is itself recyclable
- Wash and reuse your baggies whenever possible (i.e. if it only had a sandwich or chips in it)
- Consider alternate uses for items you already have around or can get at a secondhand store. Thrift stores are a gold mine for holiday décor! If it looks dated or worn, bring it home and give it some love and I will be it looks like a piece you would have paid big bucks for new!!
- If you have clothing or other household items you don't use anymore, DONATE! Your trash is someone else's treasure is not just a cliché, it's the truth! How many items do we, as bloggers, find at the thrift store??
- Join with friends or neighbors in a swap. You can do clothing, toys, videos, or even yard tools.
- Redecorate with things you already have. Recently clipped some branches from a tree? Let them dry out, cut them to size, assemble them wrapped with a piece of twine, then place them on a shelf. Spray paint some old picture frames, change up the pictures, and rehang them. Repaint an old bookshelf a new color, and rearrange the books and knick-knacks.
- Check out library books instead of buying new or used books. You can also check out videos and music there too.
- Don’t throw out the old torn clothing. Cut scraps from it to use as dust rags or to clean up spills.
- Take your used ink cartridges back to the Office supply store and have them recycle it for you.
- Use gift bags instead of wrapping paper. When you get a gift bag, save the paper inside too and reuse all of it next time you need to give a gift.
- When you need to ship something, use wadded up newspaper or your own shredded paper to pad the items. Encourage the receiver to reuse those items again too.
- Cover a shoebox with decorative paper and use it to store discs or photos.
- Got an old hose with a hole in it? Don’t throw it out…just poke more holes in it and use it as a soaker hose in your garden or near your trees.
- Buy in bulk when possible to reduce packaging, and buy refill packages instead of new bottles.
Conserve Water
- Water lawns and gardens after sun goes down, not during the heat of the day. This prevents too much evaporation. Don’t run sprinklers when it is windy.
- Use drip or hose on garden and trees, not a sprinkler, to avoid spraying areas that don’t need the water.
- Make sure sprinklers aren’t spraying onto sidewalks/driveways and wasting the water.
- Turn off automatic sprinklers when you expect or have had rain.
- If you do not already have a newer water efficient toilet (uses 1.6 gallons per flush or less), put a ½ or 1 gallon jug of water in your toilet tank to displace water, resulting in less water per flush.
- Turn off the water in the shower as you lather up to save a few gallons.
- Add a low-flow shower head and aerators to sink faucets.
- Do you have to run the water for a minute to get it hot? If so, collect that water into a bucket, then use it for animals or to water plants, or even to mop the floor. Just don’t let it go down the drain.
- Get a rainbarrel, then use the rainwater on your yard, garden, or trees in the days after the rain. (believe it or not, some city codes do not allow this so make sure you check before you make the investment)
- If you wash your car in your driveway, have a sprayer with on/off feature instead of leaving the hose running. The average output from a hose is 5-10 gallons per minute.
- Wash only large full loads of clothing. On older washers, if loads are small, set water level lower.
- Monitor your water bill. A sudden spike will indicate a leak that may otherwise go unnoticed.
- Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your patio and driveway.
- When you rinse fruits and veggies, do it over a pot. Then use that water on your plants or to wipe down countertops. If the produce wasn’t organic, don’t use it to water edible gardens or give to pets.
- Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped. Also leave the clippings on the lawn to return nutrients to the earth instead of to a landfill.
- When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants.
- Use only one glass per day to drink from to save on the number of dishes needing washing.
- Reuse your after-shower towel several times before putting it in the wash; how dirty can it be if you only used it to dry off after a shower?!
- If your automatic ice maker cubes get lumped together, don’t throw that chunk out. Melt it and water plants, give it to pets, or boil it for pasta.
Conserve Energy
- As bulbs burn out, replace them with more efficient bulbs. They last for years and are more energy efficient.
- Don’t use bulbs you don’t need. If a fixture holds four bulbs but you really don’t need that much light, just put two bulbs in the fixture. When you remodel, buy a fixture that only has as many bulbs as you need.
- Turn off lights and ceiling fans when no one is in the room (fans cool the people, not the room).
- Consider motion sensor lighting for children’s rooms (in case they forget to turn off lights).
- Take advantage of natural light whenever possible, especially in winter so the heat can warm the house.
- In winter, after using the oven, leave it open to allow the heat to escape and warm the room. (I do this all of the time!!)
- Make a large batch of food one time, then portion it for leftovers to last a few days. Or freeze for another time. One less load of dishes to wash as you did them when you made the meal the first time!
- Don’t use the heat cycle on the dishwasher to dry. If you have an old dishwasher that doesn’t give you an option, just open it when the wash cycles are done and let the items air dry.
- Close blinds during the hottest part of summer days to reduce A/C use. Get a programmable thermostat. Set it for comfort when you are home (78 degrees or higher in summer and 68 or lower in winter is most efficient and comfortable), but at times when no one is there, set it be a little warmer in summer or cooler in winter. Don’t turn it off or set too low or it has to work extra hard to get back to the comfort level.
- Keep the air filters in your home clean.
- For small jobs, use a toaster oven instead of the big oven.
- Invest in an electric pressure cooker. They are totally safe and not only cook less expensive food such as cheap cuts of meat faster and better than a crock pot, cooking in a pressure cooker retains more of the nutrients in the food! Bonus! I have a board set up on Pinterest with some of my favorite recipes made in a pressure cooker!
- Unplug things that you aren’t using regularly, such as phone chargers, printers, toasters, etc.
- Check and repair window and door seals for a tight fit.
- Set your refrigerator around 37 and your freezer around 3. Keep them full so the cool items insulate each other instead of running the refrigerator power to cool them.
- Wash clothes in cold water. Hang clothes to dry when possible (to avoid that ‘crispy’ feel, toss them in the dryer when they are almost fully dry to fluff them.)
- Fill the dishwasher wisely with lots of small items instead of a few large ones. Run the dishwasher only when it is full. Hand wash the larger items. (If you used a big pot, fill the big pot with soapy water, use that to wash from instead of filling the whole sink.)
- Set your water heater to 120 degrees instead of 140. And if possible, purchase an insulating blanket for it so it loses less heat to the air.
Think about what would happen if we all just did one thing from this list each day!
The impact would be HUGE I am sure!

Click here to see where I may be partying this
Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
Don't forget to come by on Tuesday's
for the link

Thanks for the Earth Day reminder. On the original Earth Day, my husband and I were students in a boring night class at San Diego State. We had spoken a few times and at the break he asked me if I wanted to skip the rest of class and go check out the Earth Day festivities going on in the school gym. That was 43 years ago tomorrow. On April 3 we celebrated 42 years of marriage. He usually remembers Earth Day as our first date and gives me some sort of gift. I am headed to my workspace to make a Get Well card for our dentist and thanks to you I will make a card for him - from recycled paper.
ReplyDeleteI do remember the first Earth Day in 1970. I was a junior in high school and we made a pledge to either walk or ride a bike to school. I rode my brother's banana seat bike with the high handle bars seven miles to school and back! I so enjoyed it, I saved up my babysitting money and bought a bike to ride to school! Every year I celebrate by changing just one thing around the house. It all adds up!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips Kathe!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!! I have a vegetable garden & have been wanting to try composting forever!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips! I don't remember the first Earth Day....I wasn't quite a year old! I will however be celebrating Earth Day with my 5th graders this week in school and will share some of these tips...:) Thanks so much and have a blessed week!
Life On Willie Mae Lane
Thanks for all of the tips, especially the ones about composting. I'm thinking about trying it. I don't remember Earth Day until I was in high school, LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat list Kathe. I really enjoyed reading that and am happy to say that I already do many of the things, however not all, so there is room for improvement!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post Kathe! We all need to be more aware of our planet and try to be more Green!
This is a pretty remarkable list friend, much needed info to be considered. We all love our planet and need to keep it healthy and perfect. Nice one!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tips! :)
ReplyDeleteYou really have some awesome tips here!
ReplyDeleteAgain, thanks for joining the Link Up this week!
Woot! Great tips, Kathe! I just pinned this! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove that you also remember the first Earth Day! I blogged about mine today, too!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! We garden, clean green, I like to walk to the store, and most food scraps make it to the compost pile. The rest of the food scraps get fed to our little critters. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post....I love how well you reminded us all of the many ways we can be kind to Mother Earth! Thanks for all these amazing tips!
ReplyDeleteHappy Earth Day to you! You have listed some wonderful tips!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list of ways to be green. I see there are many that I already do, but some that I need to adapt.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such great information Kathe!
Cynthia at http://FeedingBig.com
We recycle and reuse items all the time. But there is always room for improvement. Thanks for sharing all these great tips for Earth day Kathe!
ReplyDeleteAwesome and informative post! Thanks for linking up!
Kathe, I love that you took the time to compose this post, and appreciate every part of it.
ReplyDeleteThese are all things that are very important in my own life.
I compiled a couple of Earth Day posts today..
I'd love it if you stopped by to check them out:
Thanks you so much for putting this post together. What great information. I also remember the days when no one seemed to think about conserving. I was raised by a family who did conserve and I learned to conserve even more as I grew older. Now I pass it down to my grand kids. Thanks for joining me at The Gathering Spot this week. Have a wonderful Tuesday :)
ReplyDeleteLove the gardening tips. We are learning to garden. Last year we did tomatoes and a few peppers. This year we plan to add cucumbers, green beans and corn.
ReplyDeleteKathe, these are such great tips! I am pinning right now and will refer to this list often to make sure I am keeping green!
ReplyDeleteThank you for linking up to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link party! I can't wait to see what you bring next week.
Cynthia at http://FeedingBig.com
Thanks for the great tips! It is amazing how quickly the little things you do can add up to a greener life. Thanks so much for sharing at Much Ado About Monday!